Category: Health

July 20, 2020

The Startling Truth About Cholesterol

Heart disease is known as the silent killer. And your bad, or LDL cholesterol plays a big part in assisting the silent killer. Knowing not only the foods to eat but what your normal levels for both good and bad cholesterol are is one of the first step to making sure that you are not one of the 616,0001 people who die of heart disease in the USA every year. For that reason, I am going to spend a great deal of time going over what I have learned about the subject. I will go over several topics, such as: (more…)

July 20, 2020

Chagas Disease – What is it?

You could say that Chagas Disease is one of those things that you didn’t hear about too often until more recent times. But even so, this is a serious condition, causing about 20,000 deaths each year. It’s more often found in Central and South America where it affects between 8 to 10 million people. Another 300 to 400,000 in the US and Spain are also affected. Chagas disease is transmitted by a nasty little bug called a Triatomine. These mean creatures come out at night and land on people’s faces while they are sleeping and help themselves to a belly full of blood. This has earned them the nickname of ‘kissing bugs.’ Once they are done feeding they usually poop on their victim which leaves parasites known as Trypanosomatids on or very close to the bite wound. (more…)

July 12, 2020

How Aromatherapy Play a Significant Role in Stress Relief

The Aromatherapy healing candles assume an extraordinary part in calming the brain and giving alleviation which causes diminished degree of stress. Stress is a marvel that is looked by everybody sooner or later of life. The power of pressure may shift and the causing elements can be diverse also among various individuals. Stress makes an individual fomented and disturbed and he can’t appreciate life. (more…)

July 10, 2020

Flu Shot – Alternative Cures for the Flu

Is it worth getting the flu shot? Are there any alternative cures for the flu that work? I know, it’s still only September (as I’m writing this) but like it or not, Fall is almost upon us. And that means you should be starting to think about protecting yourself and your family during the flu season.If you do happen to catch a cold or the flu, any one of hundreds of different viruses could be responsible. These viruses alter themselves each year according to their environment. It’s because of this that a traditional medical cure just isn’t possible. That’s why many of the same remedies used by our ancestors are still used today to provide relief and shorten the time the flu virus affects us. (more…)

July 10, 2020

Getting In Shape with These Fitness Tips

If you need some fitness tips and want to get in shape, but you aren’t really sure of what you need to do to reach this goal, the right information may be all that you need to put you on the right track. There are lots of fitness resources available to you, and it can be tricky to know which ones to trust and which ones you should avoid. So let’s look at some fitness ideas to get you on track. Even before you start to take action on getting fit, you need to know the right way to go about it. (more…)

June 23, 2020

Well woman clinic in Twyford Surgery

I went to the well woman clinic in Twyford surgery today and was sadly not impressed. I think I was there for all of three minutes. I thought there would be some questions about my mother’s health history, grandmother’s health, discussion on ongoing medical issues and a smear test or a blood test. Would funding stretch to both? All I had was a urine test for protein and glucose, my blood pressure ( which is available at the front desk for free so I didn’t need this) and a quick questioning on my diet. (more…)