May 11, 2020

Essential Oils for the Winter and Cold

Throughout the winter it is typical to develop bronchial attacks, throat infections, sinus infections and lung and bacterial infections when your immunity is weak. These will actually make you feel not well and disrupt your daily life for extended periods if not treated. It appears to be difficult that keeping these at fresh is nearly impossible if you are encircled by others coughing and sneezing around you. Thankfully you can find several things you may do to fight the symptoms and help you to recuperate more quickly when you get a flu or virus. (more…)

May 2, 2020

The importance of Raw Food Diet for body detox

The need of detox should not be overlooked. When your body is full of built up toxins, how will your body function well? Such toxins stay in the body make our body weak and poison you from inside. You will start feeling irritable and sick with the growing of such toxic elements in our body.

The Raw food consumption can significantly eliminate these harmful toxins, getting rid of it from your body system. This healthy Diet means that you need to stop eating meat, dairy eggs, products and fish. No matter what you eat should not be cooked. It must be like hand to mouth. (more…)

May 1, 2020

Food and Nutrition for Fibromyalgia Patients

Individuals that are afflicted by fibromyalgia are suffering from chronic pain and fatigue. All these symptoms can certainly make it difficult to prepare, and consume healthy and nutritious meals. However, a healthy and balanced diet is really important in helping individuals with fibromyalgia deal with stress, cleanse the body, and bring back nutrients to the areas that require them the most. (more…)

April 30, 2020

Medicines over the counter in Spain

I was surprised when I first moved to Spain that I could buy medication such as antibiotics and thyroxine over the counter at pharmacies without a prescription. You still can, but recently I have noticed my local pharmacy saying “no” to me asking for antibiotics. Others however still will give them.

I currently have another run in with conjuctivitis. It is my fourth bout in as many weeks and I have been using antibiotic eye drops. However nothing is shifting the latest one and the drops don’t feel quite right. So I’ve followed my instinct and been using hot and cold compresses ( eyes closed) and rinsing the eye in warm water. As I don’t have an eye bath I’ve been using a cup which is great because as well as washing my eye I end up washing my clothes too. (more…)